Technical Tours
Wednesday, September 26th, 2:00 pm
BEESL (J. Zhang): Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory
BEESL has expertise and state-of-the-art research facilities for experimental and computer simulation from material level properties to full-scale system-level behavior and performance studies. Major research subjects are: indoor environmental quality (IEQ), building energy efficiency (BEE) and building protection. The research is carried out in collaboration with academic and industrial partners.
IDVL Lab (B. Krietemeyer): Interactive Design and Visualization Lab
The Interactive Design and Visualization Lab is an immersive design environment for simulating the environmental effects and multiuser experience of dynamically responsive building envelope systems and architectural spaces. The lab supports visualization techniques ranging from large digital projections to immersive virtual reality technologies in order to experiment with new computational tools that support the design and development of high-performance building materials, systems and spaces.
TIEQ lab (E. Bogucz): Wills H. Carrier Total Indoor Environmental Quality Lab
Researchers use the Willis H. Carrier TIEQ Lab to study how multiple factors—including temperature, humidity, air quality, lighting, and sound—combine to affect human health and performance in built environments. The 10,000 sq. ft. laboratory’s initial operating capabilities include simulation of indoor environmental quality for office and classroom settings and micro-environmental study for individual occupants.
Green roof Oncenter (C. Davidson):
The Oncenter Green roof, a 60,000+ square foot green roof system rooftop system of the Convention Center, was established under Save the Rain Initiative by Onondaga County in summer 2011. This roof is a site of research conducted by Syracuse University Professor Cliff Davidson where they study the effectiveness of the green roof, using real-time sensors and specially designed equipment to examine storm-water capture and runoff, energy movement through the roof, and evapotranspiration.